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WRITTEN BY Cristina Rice

Christina is an intuitive channel, celebrity healer, the founder of Ahai™ 7D Energy Healing, and author of best-selling book, Manifestation Mastery: How to Shift Your Reality & Co-Create with the Universe. She has been featured in top publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Buzzfeed, and is the host of her own spirituality podcast of 6+ years, Christina the Channel.



One of the strongest energies these days is divine union - we’ll see soul-aligned relationships of all kinds finally coming together, including twin flames. (Let’s not forget that also means that relationships not aligned with our highest timelines will also be released…) 

The terms “twin flame” and “soulmate” are often used interchangeably, but they’re not the same thing. The term “twin flame” refers to when the divine masculine and feminine aspects of a soul split into two different bodies in one lifetime. This is why you might hear people refer to the “divine feminine (DF)” and “divine masculine (DM)” in the twin flame relationship - one person embodying more of the divine feminine energy, and the other the divine masculine energy. To be clear - this has nothing to do with sex or gender. Twin flames can both be the same sex, the same gender, or different, and the sex and gender doesn’t dictate who carries more of the masculine energy and who carries more of the feminine energy. 

That being said, thinking of twin flames as divine masculine and divine feminine I feel is a bit outdated and based more on souls that incarnated generations earlier. Where we’re at right now is quite different, as we’re integrating these energies and shifting to 5D.

A twin flame is when you have the same soul

This is different than a soulmate - having vibrational resonance with another soul, which could be based on being from the same soul group or previous experiences with that soul.

When you have a twin flame, your missions are intertwined. This is one reason why so many twins are reuniting right now. We are all being called up to fulfill our missions - no more waiting around. Twins who are incarnated right now did so specifically to come in union to help with the astronomical frequency shift we are going through as a collective / on this planet. If you’re a twin incarnated right now, it’s pretty significant, and it will be a core theme in your life.

Here’s the important piece - having a twin flame incarnated is rare. It is not “better” to have a twin flame than to not - it’s simply a specific experience. Similar to having a biological twin in this lifetime - it’s a specific experience your soul chose in this incarnation to teach you the lessons you signed up for, to set you up for the experiences necessary for your mission, etc. Not everyone has that same experience because not everyone has the same mission or the same lessons that are meant to be learned. Twin flame love is not better or worse. It’s just very different. 

It might burst people’s bubble — but most people on the internet talking about their twin flame relationship are not true twin flames. Hence the popularity of the “false twin flame.” People often think that because they have an intense spiritual connection with someone, telepathy, extreme similarities, and so on, they’ve met their twin flame. 

But in a society where unhealthy, codependent relationships are actually modeled in mainstream media as “romantic,” and where most people haven’t actually experienced divine love in this human form yet, it’s easy for people to confuse an intense relationship with a twin flame.

Again, having a twin flame isn’t better or worse. In fact, it is such an intense and triggering experience, most people who really understand it don’t want to. It pushes you to your limits when it comes to love, and what that really means. Additionally, you feel that person’s energy and emotions viscerally in your body - it’s inescapable. Because it is so intense, soulmate relationships are often much more stable than twin flame relationships, depending on how much personal, emotional, and spiritual work the individuals in the relationship have already done. 

The things you might read on the internet about twin flames aren’t necessarily true. First of all, twin flames are not inherently toxic relationships. It depends on the people. There are many twin flame couples (same soul) who don’t experience toxic patterns, there isn’t any running or chasing, and there is no “separation” period. There are also twin flame couples who do experience that. 

What we have to be careful of is this - someone has an intense connection with someone, beyond anything they’ve ever felt, they start to think that person is their twin flame, they know the “steps” and “phases,” and then they start to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. I’ve seen this with multiple people in my life, who thought someone was their twin flame, and then their actions based on that belief created the experience of the running, chasing, separation, and so on, and then later they found out it wasn’t their real twin flame. 

I mean, how many relationships do we know in general that have a runner / chaser aspect? People swipe endlessly. We use terms like “ghosting” and “breadcrumbing” as standard dating lingo — I think that speaks for itself. 

Your twin flame is your most intense mirror

It’s YOU, but in another body. Suddenly you can see it so clearly - how you come across to other people, the “annoying” things you do, your light, your shadow, your fears, your unhealthy habits, your wounds — it’s staring you straight in the face. 

We get triggered by everyone around us who mirrors for us (because anyone can be your mirror) — getting mirrored by your twin flame is on a completely different level because it is YOU. People don’t even like to listen to recordings of their own voice — imagine seeing your soul in another body. There’s that, plus the constant telepathy, the depth of SEEING, and the physical intensity. 

It is of course triggering, but people respond to triggers differently. 

You can imagine how two twin flames who have never done any personal growth work, or who have never learned to work with triggers in a healthy way, would engage in unhealthy patterns when they met their most intense mirror. They might run, they might chase, they might become obsessed, they might become codependent. 

However, if two people have already been on their own personal growth journeys, have developed spiritually and emotionally, have a higher level of emotional maturity and know how to explore triggers lovingly, the experience will be quite different. 

So, how do you know someone is your twin flame? 

My best advice is to detach from whether or not you have one, and to let the universe do its work. If someone is truly your twin flame, you are going to unite. It won’t miss you. There will be so many wild, undeniable synchronicities, it will be made known. And to be honest, that can be much more fun - sit back and watch the universe do its thing. 

That being said, to really attract your twin flame in a healthy way —- the most important work anyone can do is on themselves. The more you do your own personal / spiritual growth and development work, your twin flame will come right to you. It’s all about turning inward. The more you heal yourself, the more you heal them. You’re the same soul. 

You don’t have to look. You don’t have to force. If it’s meant to happen, it’s going to. 

When you have a twin, you might really struggle with relationships. You might feel like no one will ever truly see you as deeply as you desire, like there is a piece of you that is always missing, but you can’t describe it, like you’re always looking for something but unsure what it is, or like no relationship will ever be enough. 

Here are some key experiences you might have when you meet your twin flame: 

  1. Before meeting them, you keep getting signs - that everything is about to change, that big love is coming, death and rebirth symbols, twin flame symbols, twin flame information keeps popping up, lots of angel numbers, etc. You can feel something big is coming. 

  2. You have intense physical symptoms before and / or after you meet them, like nothing you’ve ever felt.

  3. You “know” the second you see them. 

  4. You recognize their eyes. You see through their eyes to their soul.

  5. They seem strangely familiar. Like you’ve known them forever, like you’ve been waiting for them forever. You’re instantly comfortable. 

  6. You literally think, “That’s me.”

  7. You have a Kundalini awakening when you meet them or directly after. 

  8. You go through a series of spiritual initiations and / or awakening moments after meeting them. It’s a catalyst for big personal and spiritual shifts. 

  9. You literally cannot stop thinking about them. It can feel obsessive. 

  10. There is a strong telepathic connection with them. You know what they’re thinking, doing, and feeling.

  11. They take up most of your dream space - you consistently have dreams about them that will give you information about their feelings and your relationship. 

  12. You can feel their feelings in your body. You have random bursts of emotion that aren’t your own, and you know it’s theirs. 

  13. You feel addicted to their vibration and want to be around them all the time. You’re intensely drawn to them. 

  14. You keep running into them.

  15. You receive signs about them all the time - people keep bringing them up, you keep seeing their name everywhere, a number associated with them, or a symbol associated with them. You get reminders about them no matter how hard you try to think about something else. 

  16. You have a ton of similarities - could be your personalities, could be more tangible likes and dislikes, could be similar life experiences. 

  17. It’s like you lived parallel lives. That could mean that the same energies ran through your lives, or you look at that person and see what your life might have looked like had you taken another path - like a different version of you. 

  18. You balance each other out with strengths and weaknesses - like two puzzle pieces fitting together. 

  19. You have very noticeable, uncommon synchronicities with your astrology charts, human design charts, etc. 

  20. You have similarities with dates. Sometimes your twin flame has the same birthday as your best friend, parent, sister, brother, etc. 

  21. You have visions that involve the two of you and a cosmic egg. 

  22. You feel tied to that person like gravity. You would do anything to support them. 

  23. There is no logic to the intensity of the emotions. You feel like a crazy person because of the intensity of the connection. 

Here are some other themes that often come up with twin flames (but are not *requirements*):

  1. They’re not your usual type.

  2. There is a noticeable age gap. 

  3. There is some type of big difference in career, location, background, religious beliefs, or culture that could be a big obstacle for you to overcome as a couple or would make it seem like a relationship couldn’t work. 

  4. You physically look similar (look at photos from when you’re both the same age).

  5. One twin is often more spiritually awake than the other. 

These are just some of the signs people experience, but not all of them. Just because you haven’t experienced all of them doesn’t mean that person isn't your twin flame. 

Also, just because you do experience these signs doesn’t mean someone is your twin flame. 

I’ve had telepathy, wild synchronicities, intense spiritual experiences, and so on with a few people in my life - one was a karmic soulmate, another a soulmate…but the twin flame was different. Without the twin flame experience to compare to, I would have thought the karmic soulmate or the other soulmate was my twin flame.

Remember, everyone’s experience is different. A common theme I see is that the more spiritually awake twin instantly knows and has visceral experiences, but the twin who is less in touch with his / her / their intuition doesn’t always realize at first and takes some time to catch on, or to open themselves up to the experience. If either twin isn’t consciously ready to know, or if a piece of them is resistant to experiencing that depth of connection, it can take more time for them to realize at a conscious level. 

On a soul level, they know. 

For me, I simply knew. The moment I saw him, I thought, “That’s me.” I immediately saw everything - the origin of the split. I had another Kundalini rising. I just knew. Everything in my life changed after that. And it was in that moment that my ego also took the hit, because I didn’t want to feed into the “twin flame” conversation that I used to think was overblown…but it’s real. 

It’s just a heart knowing. No doubt. 

And that’s what I’ll say is most important. How do you know someone is your twin flame? You do the work to learn to listen to your soul. To hear your ego, but ask it to step aside and allow your soul’s knowing to come through loudly and clearly. 

Because when you can listen to your soul, not just your brain or ego, you’ll just know. And you won’t have to consult the internet to figure it out. 

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. The views expressed in the article are the views of the cited guest/expert and do not necessarily represent the views of PRISM.

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