Have you been feeling major chaos, huge changes, abrupt endings and new beginnings lately? It could be the eclipse season stirring up some ascension in your life!
A solar eclipse in the new Moon in Libra on October 14, 2023, denotes the beginning of eclipse season 2023. This is an annular (or “ring of fire”) eclipse. The season draws to a conclusion with a partial lunar eclipse on the full Moon in Taurus, which takes place on October 28.
Here are some tips to keep your sanity during eclipse season:
Level up:
Know that you're being called to step into a higher version of yourself. Sometimes your life needs a bit of a shake-up for you to step into your fullest power, and although it can feel icky at first, it's all to take you higher if you stay in the right mindset
Ride the waves:
Let go of control and surrender to the cosmos! If your intentions are good and you're moving energy towards them, that's all you need to do. Let the Universe sort the rest out. When you try to force or control things during eclipse season, you'll be in for a rude awakening! Ride the cosmic wave!
Be intentional:
Your energy is extra potent during eclipse season and you're bound to manifest at rapid speed which can be good or bad, depending on the intentionality behind your thoughts, actions and behaviours! If you're letting fear, anger or doubt rule your mind, you'll manifest more of the same.