You are the "Lucky Girl"

Your Manifestation Style

  • You don’t really try that hard, you just receive what
  • You make it your spiritual practice to feel good, and good things keep landing for you
  • You make it a priority to live in the energy of abundance, even if your bank account isn’t reflecting the number you want to see, because you know that vibrations create wealth

What you need to work on to be an even better Manifestor

  • Create an action plan! Yes, manifestation shouldn’t be difficult, but when you move you energy towards your goals, you open up new pathways to receive miracles
  • Practice conscious manifestation, make sure the thing on your list of desires feed your soul, not just your ego
  • Make it a priority to live in the energy of abundance, even if your bank account isn’t reflecting the number you want to see, because you know that vibrations create wealth

Top Jewelry Picks for the Lucky Girl

These pieces from our Delusional collection are made special for Lucky Girls like you! They feature Green, Black and White Zircon Crystals that promote manifestation, prosperity and intuition, to activate your magnetic powers so you can call in that dream life!

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